Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Why Tom Sawyer Should (maybe not) Audition for the Next Pirates of the Caribbean

In May 2017, the fifth installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean will grace the screens of movie theaters around the world. The rough and tough adventure world of Cap'n Jack Sparrow will not fail to entertain and excite. Adventure? Excitement? If you ask me, there isn't a better film for Tom Sawyer to make his acting debut. Then he doesn't have to waste people's time by locking them up against their will and withhold critical knowledge for them simply because it is "it's the RIGHT way—and it's the regular way. And there ain't no OTHER way, that ever [he] heard of" (Clemens 35.56). News flash Tom, just because you like it doesn't make it regular or humane. A movie could give him the sense of adventure, but in reality take away any real life consequences from his actions. I bet he would really enjoy using green screens and would be fascinated that the computer can do the imagining for him. The only problem is that he may ruin this great movie franchise just like he ruined the end of Huckleberry Finn; too often Tom is thinking about himself and if he ruins a perfectly great series just for his own adventure I will not be very happy. If people were to stop thinking only about themselves all of the time, then maybe we would live in a better society. We can't forget that manipulating other for our own gain has negative consequences. At the same time we cannot allow ourselves to be controlled and stand up for ourselves, just as I will stand up for a boycott against Pirates of the Caribbean if they allow Tom Sawyer to enter in the plot without purpose and ruin the ending, forever diminishing the work as a whole.

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